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About us
Welcome to Catherine-RegencyNovel! This website was created to provide readers with a deeper understanding of the Regency Era and the world of my novel, Catherine. Inspired by Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Catherine is an original novel that takes place in the early 19th century. Through this website, readers can explore the historical context, customs, and societal norms that influenced the characters and plot of the novel. From fashion and etiquette to politics and social classes, this website offers a comprehensive look into the world of Catherine. Join us on this journey back in time and discover the fascinating world of Regency England.
What we offer
- Synopsis of the novel
- Character profiles and descriptions
- Historical background of the Regency Era
- Glossary of Regency Era terms and phrases
- Discussion of themes and motifs in the novel
- Reader forums and discussions
- Links to related books and resources on the Regency Era
- Author Q&A and behind-the-scenes insights into the writing process.