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Spoil Alert

The illustrations and the extracts might give away what is to come, so you may want to see them after you read a chapter and see if anything is accompanying the story.

Chapter 1 - Masks and Mirrors

Catherine looked away but then nodded. She looked into the gentleman's eyes and spoke the truth. "I desperately want to be part of this world," she gestured with her hand, "but I'm afraid I'll lose my true self in the process."

The lord looked at her first without reaction, but his eyes flashed as he searched hers. He looked like he wanted to say something, but then he changed his mind. Finally, he said: "I take it you spoke honestly. How refreshing!" His words carried an edge of something she could not quite place – was it admiration, or was he simply surprised that a debutante could be so bold? He shook himself and said phlegmatically, "Well, I am like an open book. I do not need to hide anything."

Catherine was about to laugh but controlled herself. She shook her head and simply responded, "My lord, then I wonder why you are wearing a lorgnette when you can see perfectly without it." His stunned expression was all the reward Catherine could want. "Enjoy your evening, sir. I must return to my parents. Please excuse me." Catherine's voice was steady, but her heart raced in her chest. 

Photo gallery

In this photo gallery, you will find a beautiful collection of images that capture the essence of the Regency Era, the time period in which my novel, Catherine, is set. From elegant ballrooms and lavish estates to intricate fashion and social customs, these photos will transport you back in time to the world of my novel. The first set of images showcases the opulence and grandeur of Regency Era architecture.

Below, there are some illustrations, so if you do not wish to see my imagined characters, avoid scrolling down. Otherwise, have fun matching the pictures to the scenes in the novel.

The flashback

The young man noticed her looking their way. After a few moments, he leaned down and whispered something into the little girl's ear. The little girl giggled but took some of her bread, approached Catherine, and shyly offered it. Catherine was touched by the girl's kindness and expressed her gratitude to the young girl for her offering. She then looked up at the young man.

That was when it happened.

Their eyes met, and for the first time, Catherine was affected by the presence of a gentleman. She felt breathless, and her stomach fluttered when he smiled at her. To her, he was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen, even more handsome than her brother, and she weakened at his smile. And smile he did. She always regretted that she did not dare to return it. 

Chapter 2 - Reflections and Revelations

As he galloped, instinctively, he looked beyond the tree line to the walking path, where a flash of colour caught his eye. A figure stopped to watch him. His heart skipped a beat as recognition dawned upon him – the young lady from last night's theatre, the very one who had put him in his place with her sharp wit. She stood poised, her eyes fixed on him with curiosity and something akin to amusement.

His grip on the reins tightened instinctively. The horse, sensing his distraction, maintained its steady gallop, each stride powerful and unerring. The lord's mind raced, replaying their exchange from the previous evening, and he could not help but wonder what she thought of him now, seeing him in this light, commanding and unrestrained – without his hat, he remembered. As he sped past her, their eyes locked for a split second. The moment was electrifying; he knew this unexpected encounter would linger in his thoughts long after the ride.

Chapter 4 - Art and Intrigue

"I see you're not wearing your lorgnette, my lord."

He had to smile at that. "Yes, well, I found I could see without them perfectly."

"Is that so? Good for you, my lord."

He bowed his head slightly.

"What was that?" Robert gazed at the two quizzically.

"It's a small joke between us." Nevill deflected.

"I hope I did not overstep… I mean, I know I overstepped with my comment, but…"

"Miss Berrington, I admit I was taken aback at the reminder, a rare occurrence, but only for a short time. In reflection, I realised that you were right. I had adopted the silly habit as some status symbol. I do not really need that, do I?" Strange as it was, he did not mind acknowledging the truth to her. He observed her face again. Yes, lovely, he said to himself. 

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Ch. 20


Chapter 28


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Illustrations - just for fun

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